Website Design
You don’t get a second chance to make a first impression. Your website design is often the first impression your business makes on your potential customers.
The history of design
Italy lead the global design revolution because they had dozens of competing manufacturers. At first, the factories would compete on price but they soon discovered that was a race to bankruptcy. Then, quality became the competitive motivation - whoever could deliver the best quality at the best price won. It didn't take long for the playing field to level again. Service soon equaled out as businesses competed for clients.
Design became the new differentiator. Every company hired Industrial and Graphic Designers to differentiate their product from their competitor. Soon, the competition was so fierce between local manufacturers they led the world in product design.
You can also use design to help differentiate your business against your competitors. You will still need to work on price, quality, and service – design is the extra, intangible quality that can give you an edge.
We can design your website for you or work with your designer.
Mike’s background in design means we can implement your website from the ground up. We can use your style manual to make your site fit with your other collateral, or, work with your designer (yes, we play well with others).
By refining the design before coding we can resolve the overall style, user interface, and navigation structure, which saves development time. For more complex sites this is combined with a wire-frame mockup to illustrate the website structure and flow.
We start with a sketch – how retro!

Website Design Checklist
Graphic designers may have experience in creating designs for print or branding but designing for the web has its own unique set of challenges. We've compiled a checklist of the most commonly overlooked items.
Download your free copy today.
HubSpot Design Certified
Mike Eastwood is certified by HubSpot to design in the HubSpot CMS.