Nobody really wants a website
For years we've built websites. We'd hand over a shiny new site and say "the content goes in here, call me if it breaks, or if you get stuck". Weeks later I'd follow up and everyone always said "...been really busy – haven't got to it yet...".
Months would pass and only a few pages of content were ever created. Then when I asked people would reply "well, nobody visits the site anyway", "it's too hard" or "it's not working".
Seems obvious now but I realised that nobody really wants a website. What they really want is more traffic, more leads and more sales.
Nobody really wants a website–what they really want is more traffic, more leads and more clients.
So, Webalite changed from a Website Company to an Online Marketing Company.
We now have a team of marketing experts to help you with your online marketing – including your site. Writers, videographers, web designers and inbound marketing geeks help you get your site working for you by implementing plans, strategies and tactics to drive traffic to your site and convert them into leads and customers.
Now we're getting better results for our clients and making an impact on businesses like yours.